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Equipping leaders to cultivate


just & inclusive


in young people

Get Inspired

Each of our keynote speakers, preachers, and workshop leaders will challenge and inspire you. The come from various traditions and backgrounds, but they all believe in the power of progressive children’s and youth ministry in the lives of young people.

You’ll head back home thinking about everything you’ve learned, and you’ll have fresh energy for your ministry.

Find Your People

The Progressive Youth Ministry Conference is a space for you to be you — a safe place, where youth and children’s workers from progressive congregations and ministries nationwide can gather to share ideas, network, sing and dance, worship, and enjoy the fellowship that comes with shared values.

Share Resources

During Open Source time, you can gather with other youth workers around the issues that you want to discuss. Need new idea for confirmation? Wondering about next summer’s mission trip? How about a middle school curriculum? All these resources and more will be shared around conversations that you create!

Recharge your Spirit

Most importantly of all, PYM is a time and place for you — to worship, rest, laugh, sleep(!), and enjoy God’s love for you.

“These are my people. We are all youth ministry workers and we come to our ministry with a progressive lens. It's a hard combination to find.”

The open source time was a great way to initiate community building and find others with similar interests, struggles, and concerns.
It was energizing to see the amazing ministry that is being done around the country.

Join our active, private Facebook community of 3,500+ members

Or, join us for our next conference in Austin, Texas, November 13-15, 2025